lawyers guns and money blog

Lawyers Guns and Money Blog: A Comprehensive Guide to One of America’s Most Influential Political and Cultural Voices

The internet has become a thriving ecosystem for political discourse, social commentary, and intellectual debate, with blogs playing a critical role in shaping public opinion. Among the myriad of blogs available, one stands out for its unique blend of political analysis, cultural critique, and sharp wit—Lawyers Guns and Money Blog. This blog, often referred to as LGM, has gained a loyal following since its founding in May 2004 and continues to influence readers with its thought-provoking posts and diverse perspectives on political, legal, and cultural issues.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the Lawyers Guns and Money Blog: its history, contributors, key topics, impact on American political discourse, and what sets it apart from other blogs. Along the way, I’ll provide personal interpretations and insights to help you understand why LGM is a must-read for those interested in politics and culture.

History and Founding of Lawyers Guns and Money Blog

The Lawyers Guns and Money Blog was founded in May 2004 by a group of academics, primarily composed of legal scholars, historians, and political scientists. Its name is a reference to a song by Warren Zevon, but the content of the blog focuses on far more than just legal issues. From the start, the blog carved out a space in the blogosphere by offering a mix of political commentary, legal analysis, cultural critique, and even humorous takes on current events.

The initial mission of Lawyers Guns and Money Blog was simple: to provide an intellectual yet accessible platform where complex political and social issues could be dissected and discussed by individuals with academic expertise but who weren’t afraid to engage in popular culture. Over time, the blog evolved into a collective effort, bringing in multiple contributors with a range of expertise and viewpoints.

Key Contributors and Their Expertise

One of the defining features of Lawyers Guns and Money Blog is its team of contributors, each of whom brings a distinct set of skills and knowledge to the table. These individuals are not just casual bloggers; they are experts in their respective fields, with many holding advanced degrees in law, history, and political science. Here are some of the key contributors and what they add to the blog:

1. Scott Lemieux

Scott Lemieux is a political scientist whose primary areas of focus are judicial politics and constitutional law. Lemieux frequently writes about the Supreme Court and offers in-depth analysis of landmark legal cases. His posts often examine how judicial decisions impact broader political and social issues in the United States, making him a go-to voice for legal commentary on LGM.

2. Robert Farley

Robert Farley is an expert in security studies, military history, and international relations. His contributions to Lawyers Guns and Money Blog tend to revolve around defense policy, military history, and contemporary international conflicts. Farley’s deep understanding of military strategy gives his posts a level of nuance that’s often lacking in mainstream discussions of defense issues.

3. Erik Loomis

Erik Loomis, a labor historian, is known for his insightful posts on labor rights, environmental history, and the American working class. He often critiques corporate power and the role of capitalism in shaping labor conditions in the U.S. Loomis’s posts are highly educational, providing historical context to contemporary labor struggles.

4. Paul Campos

Paul Campos is a law professor whose primary focus is legal education and the economics of the legal profession. Campos often writes about the law school industry and the financial difficulties facing law graduates, offering a critical perspective on legal education in America.

5. D.J.W.

This pseudonymous contributor offers regular commentary on both politics and culture. His posts often take on a lighter tone, mixing sharp political insights with pop culture references and humor.

6. Shakezula

Shakezula is another pseudonymous contributor who covers a wide array of topics, including feminism, social justice, and political satire. Their posts often offer biting critiques of right-wing ideologies and policies.

Topics Covered on Lawyers Guns and Money Blog

The Lawyers Guns and Money Blog doesn’t confine itself to one specific subject area. Instead, it offers a wide range of posts that appeal to readers with diverse interests. From politics and law to culture and labor, the blog’s subject matter is as varied as its contributors. Let’s break down some of the most common topics covered by LGM:

1. Politics

Unsurprisingly, politics is the lifeblood of Lawyers Guns and Money Blog. Whether it’s the latest election, a controversial legislative bill, or the actions of political figures, LGM offers a platform where these topics are dissected with academic rigor and intellectual honesty. The blog is unabashedly left-leaning, with much of its political commentary taking aim at conservative ideologies, though it’s not afraid to criticize Democratic figures and policies when warranted.

  • Electoral Politics: LGM regularly covers U.S. elections at the federal, state, and local levels, providing sharp analysis on the strategies, platforms, and prospects of candidates.
  • Legislative Issues: Posts often delve into the implications of new legislation, offering critiques of how bills affect civil liberties, labor rights, and social justice.

2. Legal Issues

Many of the contributors to Lawyers Guns and Money Blog have a background in law, making legal analysis a core component of the blog’s offerings. The blog frequently discusses high-profile legal cases, rulings by the Supreme Court, and other developments in the legal landscape.

  • Supreme Court Decisions: LGM contributors offer in-depth breakdowns of the Supreme Court’s rulings and how they impact broader social and political movements.
  • Civil Liberties: Legal issues around free speech, privacy, and other civil liberties are regularly discussed, with the blog often taking a strong pro-civil liberties stance.

3. Labor Rights and Economics

One of the blog’s unique strengths is its commitment to discussing labor rights, economic inequality, and corporate power. Erik Loomis, in particular, offers regular posts about the history of labor movements in the U.S. and contemporary issues facing workers today.

  • Worker’s Rights: Posts frequently highlight ongoing labor strikes, union organizing efforts, and worker protests.
  • Income Inequality: LGM often critiques policies that exacerbate wealth inequality, providing a critical perspective on capitalism and corporate America.

4. Cultural Critique

Though the blog is often associated with its political and legal analysis, Lawyers Guns and Money Blog is also a platform for discussing pop culture, film, television, and music. Contributors offer thoughtful critiques of cultural artifacts, often examining how they reflect broader societal values or political ideologies.

  • Film and Television: Reviews and analysis of popular media are common, with contributors using their academic expertise to offer unique perspectives on the cultural significance of entertainment.
  • Music: The blog’s name itself is a reference to Warren Zevon, and music—especially rock and folk—frequently comes up in discussions.

5. International Relations and Security

Thanks to contributors like Robert Farley, Lawyers Guns and Money Blog also offers detailed posts on issues of international relations, security, and military history.

  • U.S. Foreign Policy: The blog frequently critiques U.S. military interventions abroad, offering both historical context and contemporary analysis of conflicts.
  • Military History: Farley’s deep knowledge of military history allows the blog to offer more than just a surface-level take on war and conflict.

Why Lawyers Guns and Money Blog Stands Out

In a crowded field of political and cultural blogs, what sets Lawyers Guns and Money Blog apart? There are several key factors that make LGM a must-read for anyone interested in thoughtful analysis and academic rigor applied to contemporary issues.

1. Expertise of Contributors

One of the biggest advantages of LGM is the sheer level of expertise that its contributors bring to the blog. Many of the writers have advanced degrees and decades of experience in their respective fields. This level of academic expertise ensures that posts are not only well-researched but also offer depth and nuance that’s hard to find elsewhere.

2. Blend of Humor and Serious Analysis

Though the topics covered by LGM are often serious—politics, law, labor, etc.—the blog maintains a unique balance by infusing posts with humor and wit. Whether it’s through satirical takes on political figures or clever pop culture references, LGM keeps its content engaging without sacrificing intellectual rigor.

3. Left-Leaning but Critical of All

While LGM is unmistakably left-leaning, it doesn’t shy away from criticizing figures and policies on the left. This independence from ideological constraints makes the blog more intellectually honest, as it’s willing to call out issues within progressive movements when needed.

4. Diverse Topics

Another factor that makes Lawyers Guns and Money Blog unique is the diversity of topics it covers. It’s not confined to just politics or law but branches out into cultural critique, labor rights, military history, and more. This diversity appeals to a wide range of readers who may be interested in different aspects of the blog.

5. Consistent Posting

LGM is a blog that posts frequently and consistently. With multiple contributors, the blog is able to cover a wide range of topics and offer timely analysis on current events. This ensures that readers have a steady stream of new content to engage with.

The Impact of Lawyers Guns and Money Blog

Since its founding in 2004, Lawyers Guns and Money Blog has grown from a niche blog into one of the more respected voices in the world of political and cultural commentary. It has become a hub for people who seek more than just surface-level analysis and who appreciate the blending of academic expertise with engaging writing.

1. Influence on Political Discourse

LGM has had a significant influence on how political events are discussed, particularly in progressive circles. Its analysis of elections, Supreme Court rulings, and labor issues often finds its way into broader political conversations on social media and even in mainstream media outlets.

2. Educational Value

Because many of the contributors are academics, the blog has an educational element to it. Readers often leave with a deeper understanding of the historical, legal, and political contexts behind the issues being discussed.

3. Community Building

The blog has built a strong community of readers who engage with the content through comments, social media, and even meetups. This community aspect has fostered a loyal following, turning casual readers into dedicated supporters of the blog.

FAQs about Lawyers Guns and Money Blog

1. Who writes for Lawyers Guns and Money Blog?

The blog is written primarily by a group of academics, including political scientists, historians, and legal scholars. Some of the key contributors include Scott Lemieux, Robert Farley, Erik Loomis, and Paul Campos.

2. What topics does Lawyers Guns and Money Blog cover?

The blog covers a wide range of topics, including politics, law, labor rights, cultural criticism, military history, and international relations.

3. Is Lawyers Guns and Money Blog left-leaning?

Yes, the blog is generally considered to be left-leaning in its political commentary, but it is also willing to critique policies and figures on the left when necessary.

4. Can I comment on posts on Lawyers Guns and Money Blog?

Yes, the blog has a comments section where readers can engage with the content and discuss the topics being covered.

5. How frequently is content posted on Lawyers Guns and Money Blog?

The blog posts content regularly, with multiple new posts appearing each week from its various contributors.


The Lawyers Guns and Money Blog has become a vital platform for political discourse, legal analysis, and cultural critique in the United States. Its combination of academic expertise, diverse subject matter, and engaging writing has earned it a loyal following and a respected place in the world of political blogging. Whether you’re interested in the latest political developments, legal cases, labor rights, or pop culture, Lawyers Guns and Money Blog offers something for everyone.

By diving deeper into the topics it covers, offering fresh perspectives, and maintaining an independent voice, LGM continues to stand out in a crowded digital landscape. For anyone interested in understanding the complexities of American politics and culture, Lawyers Guns and Money Blog is a must-read source.

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