How To Hold City Government Responsible for Negligence

How To Hold City Government Responsible for Negligence

A trip and fall lawyer can help you sue a city if your injuries result from falling on a poorly maintained public area like sidewalks or parks.

The attorney knows how to navigate sovereign immunity laws and prove negligence by the city government to help you recover appropriate compensation. Here is how to hold a government city responsible for negligence:

Collect Enough Evidence

Evidence helps the court prove that the public area where you sustained injuries wasn’t safe. Before leaving the accident scene, take clear photos to present to the court during the hearing. Capture the hazard that caused you to trip and fall, including uncleared snow, cracked sidewalks, or inadequate street lights at night. This evidence enables a trip and fall lawyer to build a solid case to increase your claim value. Your photos should also show the severity of your injuries for easier establishment of liability.

The other proof to collect is statements from people who saw you fall and sustain injuries. A witness can help explain the conditions surrounding your accident and when and where you fell. The written statement from witnesses should include their names, phone numbers, and email addresses for easier access. Visiting a treatment center immediately after the accident can allow for correct medical records, which trip and fall attorneys also use as evidence.

Document the Evidence

Documenting your collected evidence can also help your lawyer develop a good counter strategy when dealing with the city’s defense. Keep it concise when organizing and documenting evidence for a negligent claim against a city. Your documented proof should also capture accurate details and facts that can enlighten the court on what happened.

What you document must directly relate to how you tripped and fell to make the proof relevant. Evidence statement detailing the financial and non-financial losses you incurred due to the injuries increases your claim value. Your record of evidence should also include accurate information about any third party that handled it. The court requires injured persons intending to sue a city for negligence to preserve and protect their evidence from interference. 

Consult a Trip and Fall Lawyer

Consulting an attorney can help you understand the various laws regarding how to sue a city for negligence. An experienced lawyer knows what is involved in trip and fall accident litigations and can offer you tailored advice. They may also inform you about the paperwork and how to maneuver the entire legal process. A trip and fall legal service provider knows how to establish the validity of various claims. They do this by examining the genuineness and relevancy of the evidence you have gathered and documented.

Before booking a consultation with the attorney:

  • Research their background information to learn their track record with these claims.
  • Check the number of related cases they have handled and their success rates.
  • Before meeting with the lawyer, list all questions you intend to pose and have your documented proof.
  • Hire them for legal services to protect your rights and increase the chances of your claim’s success.

File a Notice of a Claim

A notice of a claim informs a city government that you intend to sue it for failing to promote safety in its public areas. The defendant may compensate you, fail to reply, or reject your claim, which can prompt you to file a complaint. Your negligence claim notice must describe what caused you to fall while in the city’s public spaces. The notice must also include your full name, the injuries and trauma you suffered, and the amount of settlement you want.

If the city fails to give feedback about your notice of a claim, your lawyer should file a lawsuit. The next step should involve presenting a draft of the complaint to the city before litigation starts. A copy of the complaint is a legal document that requires the city to respond to your claim in court. Once the legal battle begins, wait for the trial, where the judge determines the at-fault party and damages.

Contact a Trip and Fall Attorney Today

A trip and fall lawyer can help you file a negligence claim against a city government and represent you in court. The attorney enables you to establish the city’s duty of care, breach, and other elements to prove negligence. Contact an experienced and reputable slip and fall attorney for free consultation or legal services.

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