8 Important Tips to Consider for Successfully Self-Publishing Your Book

8 Important Tips to Consider for Successfully Self-Publishing Your Book

If you are reading this, it is likely that you have already completed your manuscript or are close to achieving this milestone. While your main focus must be on ensuring the accuracy of your manuscript, the worry about self-publishing your work must also be somewhere in your mind

The closer you get to your publishing deadline, the tenser you may feel. However, you can feel less overwhelmed if you know the steps you must take in order to publish your book successfully.

Before you worry any further, here are some of the most important steps to consider.

Improve Your Manuscript

One of the first and most important things you must do before you set off on the journey to publish your book is to polish your manuscript. Start by proofreading your book line by line and look for any inconsistencies that may limit the potential of your manuscript.

Once you have self-edited your book, do not just stop there. You also need the help of book editors for hire to improve your book further. These professionals have more to offer than you think. They can boost the potential of your book significantly before it is published.

Create a Strong Cover

The book cover is the first thing that someone notices about your book. It is an important aspect that makes or breaks the reputation of your book in the eyes of the reader; you cannot take it lightly. A cover holds the power to make your book look appealing and professional.

While you may tell everyone not to judge a book by its cover, things can be a bit different when it comes to publishing your own work. 

If you have any experience as a graphic designer, it is always a good idea to personalize your work even further by creating a cover. However, you can also hire a professional book cover designer and count on them for their genre expertise and knowledge.

When you discuss the specifics of your book cover with the chosen designer, make sure that you also discuss the back cover copy with them. It is better to have specifics such as the tagline, author bio, and book summary to be written in advance so that there are no delays in designing your book cover.

Hire Proofreaders

Every writer writes their book with a lot of care and attention to detail. Of course, no one deliberately wants to make mistakes in their work. However, the chances of typos and errors are always higher than a writer thinks.

No matter how many times you have reread your book, your brain may skip some errors automatically. Therefore, it is better to trust professionals such as beta readers and proofreaders to help you improve your manuscript.

Ask your proofreaders if they prefer a soft copy or a hard copy of your work and provide them with what they need. Make sure that you share your expectations with them to ensure that both of you are working in the right direction.

Focus on Formatting

When you are self-publishing your book, daunting tasks such as editing and formatting lie on your end. While it can seem like the most challenging task to format your book by yourself, things can become easier when you follow the right approach.

Make sure that the margins in your book are roomy to give the reader’s eyes a well-deserved break. In addition, it is always a good idea to choose readable fonts. Of course, you must also justify all your text to ensure that the text is comfortably readable for your audience.

Create an Update System

If you are a published author, you may have some loyal readers in your fan base. In addition, writers with an author’s website also have potential readers in their mailing lists. All these contacts can be an opportunity for you to promote your book.

Gather all these contacts and start promoting your book even before it is published. Create anticipation in their minds and encourage them to make the purchase by sparking curiosity, surpassing expectations, and more through target audience research.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool that allows you to stay in touch with your loved ones and follow the topics you are interested in. Social media platforms can also be powerful tools to help you promote your work effectively.

Since everyone you know is on social media, you can be confident that your target audience is also present here. Make sure that you strengthen your social media presence and tweak it according to the interests of your readers to ensure the success of your social media marketing campaigns.

Whether your readers will feel more connected to your book via memes or inspirational quotes, figuring out what your audience will love and incorporating that information into your social media handles can pay off well.

Get an ISBN

ISBNs, also known as International Book Standard Book Numbers) are 13 important digits every self-publishing author needs. These digits play a crucial role in helping you reach the right audience.

Local libraries and online platforms use ISBNs to list books. This process makes it easier for readers to get an ISBN.  According to the ISBN US, self-publishers can instantly access their ISBN with a small fee. The international ISBN system does legally require an ISBN, but both physical and online bookstores in the US ask for books to have an ISBN.

Finalize the Metadata

The metadata of a book includes all important details about your book, including its title, description, pricing, ISBN, publisher information, and so much more. The metadata of your book holds great importance in the discoverability of your book and how it is perceived.

While writing your metadata, make sure you highlight the unique story elements and spark curiosity to intrigue readers. Choose both broad and specific keywords to enhance your book’s discoverability. For example, if your book is a mystery novel with futuristic aspects, consider using both “mystery” and “future fantasy” as keywords.

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